09 The Chinese New Year Frank 專輯:泡泡英語3

[ti:09 The Chinese New Year]
[00:00.00]The Chinese New Year 中國的新年
[00:06.13]It's is New Year in China.There are twelve animals.There is a rat, an ox, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a ram, a monkey, a rooster, a dog and a pig. 中國的新年到了。十二種動物聚集一堂。他們分別是鼠、牛、虎、兔、龍、蛇、馬、羊、猴、雞、狗、豬。
[00:33.76]All the animals argue. Every animal wants the New Year named after it. 動物們爭論起來,他們都想讓新年以自己命名。
[00:52.39]The animals make a lot of noise and the king hears them from far away. 動物們的聲音很大,皇帝打老遠就聽見了。
[01:09.83]The king has a clever daughter. “Why are you arguing?” she asks. 皇帝有個聰明的女兒,他問:“你們為什麽爭論?”
[01:19.80]“I want the New Year named after me,” says the tiger. “我想讓新年以我命名。”老虎說。
[01:27.14]"So do I," says the rat. “我也是。”老鼠說。
[01:31.18]"So do I," says the ox. “我也是。”牛說。
[01:34.95]"So do I," says the rabbit. “我也是。”兔子說。
[01:38.92]"So do I," says the dragon. “我也是。”龍說。
[01:42.89]"So do I," says the snake. “我也是。蛇說。
[01:47.47]"So do I," says the horse. “我也是。”馬說。
[01:51.81]"So do I," says the ram. “我也是。羊說。
[01:55.05]"So do I," says the monkey. “我也是。”猴子說。
[01:59.71]"So do I," says the rooster. “我也是。”雞說。
[02:03.46]"So do I," says the dog. “我也是。”狗說。
[02:07.03]"Me too." says the pig. “我也是。”豬說。
[02:11.27]The princess says, “You can have a simming race across this wide river.The New Year can have the name of the winner.” 公主說:“你們可以比賽遊泳過河,誰贏了,新年就以誰命名。”
[02:26.67]The animals say “Yes!” They wait on the bank of the river. “Ready, steady, go!” says the princess. 動物們都說“好”。他們在河邊做好準備。“預備!開始!”公主說。
[02:50.30]All the animals jump into the water, and begin to swim to the other side. 動物們都跳進水裏,開始向對岸遊去。
[03:06.90]The ox is winning! But then the clever rat climbs onto his back. 牛馬上就要贏了。這時,聰明的老鼠爬到他背上。
[03:16.25]The ox is near the bank.The rat runs up the ox is head, and jumps onto the grass. “I am the winner!” says the rat. 就在牛靠近岸邊時,老鼠跑到牛頭上,跳上了草地。“我贏了!”老鼠說。
[03:31.87]“Well done,” says the king. “The New Year can be the Year of he Rat.” “很好!”皇帝說,“新年就是鼠年。”
[03:41.83]The princess feels sorry for the other animals.They all finish the race. 公主覺得對不住其他動物。他們都完成了比賽。
[03:49.33]“The next eleven years can have the names of the other animals, ”she says.“ 今後的十一年以你們來命名吧。”她說。
[03:58.69]And so the order is, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. 順序是:鼠年、牛年、虎年、兔年、龍年、蛇年、馬年、羊年、猴年、雞年、狗年、豬年。
以上為歌曲09 The Chinese New Year的歌詞,她被分類在其他裏.
